It's been a while since I've worked on Flash Fictions. I've enjoyed and miss them. When I received an email about Rochelle Wisoff's Friday Fictioneer, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to dust off my brain and tackle the challenge. Here is my 100-words or less flash fiction with the photo prompt of the week.
I would appreciate any comments and constructive critiques. Thank you for visiting my blog.
The rain fell again – sending those inside the store
scurrying to the back. It was not the flooding that worried them. It was the
rain itself.
A customer had earlier stepped out of the store with
groceries in hand, joked about getting wet – except as she stepped into the
rain, her flesh immediately bubbled and blistered, sloughed off, exposing
muscles and bone. The water that swirled around her ankles sliced off her feet,
sending her tumbling into the flood – only to dissolve in a matter of minutes.
She never had a chance to scream.
But we had.