Friday, March 12, 2010

Talk to me, Hero

Well I dusted off an old project of mine - a book I started writing about a year ago. I don't know if I was frustrated by the fact that there are so many ways to write my story or how to go about getting it done from beginning to end.

I'm not sure if I am doing it correctly. Is there such a thing as the 'correct' way? Or maybe I just haven't found my writing style, or my voice yet.

My husband finds it funny how I prepare my characters in the book. I would actually 'interview' them. I'd write out
a bunch of questions to 'ask' my hero or villains, sit them down in an empty chair across from me and just ask away. It's amazing! They 'speak' to me and I come away with a lot of information and even some surprising facts for my story.

Does anyone else do this to gain information from their characters?

Even if my husband (and possibly you) think I'm nuts - it works for me!

Friday, March 5, 2010

On Writing

I don't claim to be a writer. I just love to write. I don't write just so I can one day see my work in print and be read by thousands, with my name being a common place in the home, around the office breakroom, etc. I just love to create. To mold words to express love, or to incite fear. To make the reader read "one more page".

I have a lot to learn in the writing biz and every writer I talk to, has their own style, their own methods in their craft. I just haven't found one that works for me.

Tonight I got to meet a couple of my favorite authors. Jim Butcher and his wife, Shannon Butcher. Two lovely people that really inspire me to keep writing. I don't know what I was expecting when I met them. I guess some beacon of light cast down upon them, setting them aglow as they tell us the secret of writing a successful novel.


They were helpful though. Told us to keep writing. Plain and simple. Write, write and write some more. Talk to agents, lots of agents and get your work out there.

But how do you write a masterpiece?